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21" Surface Cleaner w/ Casters from Water Dragon

This is a great surface cleaner for both hot and cold water applications. It comes with a high-RPM stainless steel swivel featuring reinforced self-lubricated stainless steel ball bearings for improved performance. The dual spring-based carbide seal system guarantees long-lasting operation under tough conditions. This popular surface cleaner is great for use in cleaning parking lots, gas stations, sidewalks, and entryways.


  • Water Dragon easy-pull trigger gun
  • 1/4" nozzles
  • 4000psi
  • 3/8" NPTH inlet
  • Up to 250° F
  • Stainless body, rotor arm, casters, & high-pressure inline filter

21" Surface Cleaner from Water Dragon


You have questions. We have answers. Power Wash Store Milwaukee has all the pressure washers, equipment, accessories, detergents, and services you could possibly need to get the job done. If all you need is information, we have that too. We can teach you the best way to clean between vehicles with limited space, clean roofs with steep angles, or even just suggest certain products to help you get things done.

We’ve been in this industry for a long time. While we’ve been here, we’ve picked up some tricks of the trade. Contact us for tips/advice on how to be more efficient or inquire about our products.